Masculine and Feminine Principles in Everyday Life

Continuing on the theme of how the Masculine and Feminine Principles manifest in everyday life, I interviewed a horse trainer friend who has used both masculine and feminine energy techniques in training horses.  She has come to prefer the feminine energy approach that talks about using your heart’s intelligence, a concept directly related to the Feminine Principle.  She uses the book, The Heartmath Solution, as a primary source and applies the methods and principles of activating the core heart feelings of love, appreciation, caring and compassion in her work with horses.  It is a “responding to the horse” method rather that a “power and control over the horse” approach which is a more masculine principle method.

A second example from everyday experiences comes from a particular image and story that came to me through a guided imagery when I wanted to know the right relationship of masculine and feminine energies within myself.  I have put this imagery exercise at the end of this entry.  Share with us what you receive from your inner knowing!

In the guided imagery experience, I first asked for an image of my feminine to appear to me.  It made me smile when the queen from under the sea appeared seated on her throne.  I recognized her from the Disney movie, The Little Mermaid.  I spent some time in amusement, communing with her….  Never underestimate the power of images we see in movies!

The next image I requested was that of my masculine energy.  Up rose a very large image of the bearded, crowned Neptune holding his trident in his hand.  This took a few moments to digest and then I asked them to connect in some way with each other.  Neptune moved around to face this formidable queen on her throne and faced her.  They were equally powerful and LARGE.  They were definitely a match for each other.  The question I asked was, “What is the right relationship of these parts of myself? In no uncertain terms, the queen pointed at the standing, tall, powerful Neptune figure and stated while gesturing, “You stand behind me!”  It was abundantly clear that my masculine was to be in total support, “backing up” my feminine, not overpowering it. It was a humorous and yet extremely profound exchange that clearly demonstrated to me how my masculine was to relate to my feminine and I have used it as a guide ever since.  

I then used the integrating, folded hand mantra described in the previous entry to bring those two symbols together, uniting the energy and images I had received.

Here is the guided imagery meditation that brought up the symbols I described.  Try it and share what you get if you wish.  It comes from p. 52 in Shakti Gawains’s book entitled, Living in the Light.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to help relax mind and body, allowing your conscious awareness to move into a quiet place within you.

Now bring to your mind an image that represents your inner female.  This image could be of an actual person, an animal, or it could be more abstract--color or shape.  Spontaneously take whatever comes to you.

Take a look at your female and get a sense or feeling of what she represents to you.  Notice some of the details of the image.  Notice the colors and textures.  Notice how you feel about her.

Ask her if she has anything she would like to say to you right now.  Allow yourself to receive her communication, which may or may not be in words.  You may also ask her any questions you have.  You may have something you want to know from her.  Again, receive her communication whether it comes in words, a feeling, or an image. (Pause)

Once you have allowed yourself to receive her communication and you feel complete for this moment, take a deep breath and release her image from your mind.  Come back to a quiet, still place.

Now draw to mind an image that represents your male self.  Again, take what image comes to you.  It could be an actual man or animal or it could be some abstract symbol or color. Explore his image.  Notice the details of it, colors, texture, form and notice how you feel about him… Then ask him if he has anything to communicate to you at this time.  Be receptive to receiving his communication, whether it is in words or some other form.  If you have anything to ask him, do this now.  Be open to any words, feelings or images you may receive.  If the answer doesn’t come to you immediately, know that it will come later.

Once you feel complete with your communication with him, release his image from your mind and come again to a quiet place inside.

Now, ask for the images of both your male and female to come to you at the same time.  See how they relate to one another.  Are they in relationship with one another or are they separate?  If they are in relationship to one another, how do they relate?  Ask them if they have anything they would like to communicate to one another or to you.  Stay open to what comes to you in words, images, or feelings.  If you have anything you’d like to say to them or ask them, do it now.

When you feel complete, once again take a deep breath and release their images from your mind and come back to a quiet, still place inside.

You can now use the physical image in hand integration exercise of extend the experience further by closing your eyes and contacting your female intuitive voice.  Ask her what she wants: is there a gift she desires or something she wants to say or do?  When she has told you what she wants, see your new male as supporting her desire.  See him taking whatever necessary action to honor her need and desire.  When you open your eyes, do your best to follow whatever you feel your female wants you to do.

If you are working in a group, a fun, closing energy circle is to hold hands and say,

“My right hand is being held by someone who knows more than I, and I am learning.

My left hand is being held by someone who knows less than I, and I am teaching.

So both my hands must thus be held for me…….to be.”