Derog(girl)tory, posted by Mary Lou Quinn


It should not be a surprise to any woman or girl that the list of pejorative words for females may be as much as four times longer than a comparable list for men or boys. Patriarchal cultures have created demeaning words to describe or name females through the ages. Since patriarch thrust itself into our lives through the ages with the intent to diminish and dominate.

 Let’s see how many you recognize from this alphabetical list.  The following is but a partial list of current or historic terms females have endured throughout their lifetimes.  (Note those words that you have heard or been called)

Adulteress, airhead, amazon, amorosa, anonyma, backbiter, backfisch, baggage, bagswinger, ball breaker, bawd, beldame, beson, biach, biddy, bimbette, bimbo, bint, birdbrain, blabbermouth, blowse, bluestocking, bobbysoxer, bossyboots, bridezilla, broad, bubblehead, budi, bulker, callet, carrottop, catamaran, celebutante, chapess, chatterbox, chavette, chippy, cockteaser, cocotte, concubine, concupy, courtesan, cratur, cummer, cyprian, debby, demimondaine, demirep, demivierge, dollybird, dominatrix, dowd, doxie, drab, drack, dratchell, dudette, dykon, fangirl, feminazi, fizgig, fishwife, flapper, flibbertigibett, floosie, franion, frippet, frump, gabber, gadder, gamine, gammerstang, gelbag, giglet, gillet, gillflirt, gilpey, glamourpuss, gorgon, gossip, grrl, groupie, hag, haramdi, harlot, harridan, hell cat, hetaera, hilding, hoochie, hooker, hornbag, hoyden, hussey, jade, jailbait, jezebel, kimmer, kogal, kuti, ladette, leaderene, libber, lorette, loslyf, magdalene, mauther, millie, minx, moll, nag, nymphet, nymphomaniac, odalique, panderess, paphian, playgirl, pollyanna, popette, popstrel, poule, procuress, prossie, pussel, punami, punkette, quininie, rattlebrain, roundheel, rudas, scold, scrubber, seductress, sexpot, sheila, shippie, shopaholic, shrew, sis, slammerkin, slapper, slattern, slut, spitfire, streetwalker, strumpet, subdeb, superbitch, superwaif, sweetiewife, tart, termagant, tomboy, tramp, trollop, trull, vamp, virago, wench, whore, widder, widgie, wimmin, womyn, yankie, yente

 Reading through this list may have sparked within you anything from amazement through slow boil to a full head of steam.  Let us convert that “steam” to power—the power to transform the diminishing labels to a dialog of respect and equality.  In this regard the young women of today may be better at repelling these verbal arrows, as they have had decades less exposure.  And young men may be more receptive to changing up the dialog if they can move from a place of entitlement and honor the humanness of women.  The wizened elder women shall hold Her story for inspiration and counsel.  The enlightened elder men shall encourage and model their compassion and understanding. Wherever the conversation begins it should pass through our open hearts with belief in change and the power of individuals with pure intent. Put aside the polarity of gender and honor our humanness.